
Racksnaps builds daily snapshots of the official Racket Package Catalog. The intent is to allow application developers to depend on specific, unchanging sets of packages until they're ready to update their apps.

To develop against the snapshot from November 16th, 2022, you might run the following command:

raco pkg config --set catalogs \
    https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/8.7/catalog/ \
    https://racksnaps.defn.io/snapshots/2022/11/16/catalog/ \
    https://pkgs.racket-lang.org \

When building a web app in CI you might limit the catalog list to just the release catalog (for packages in the main distribution) and the snapshot:

raco pkg config --set catalogs \
    https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/8.7/catalog/ \

Racksnaps' infrastructure and development is supported by Bogdan Popa and the source code, along with more details about how snapshots are created, is available on GitHub.

Latest Snapshots